What is Accelerate™ ?
Accelerate™ supports plant reproduction by delivering a series of primary, secondary, and micronutrients to increase the number of flowers and improve fruit set. Accelerate also increases tuber set for crops that reproduce independently of flowering.
Accelerate™ can be particularly effective at reducing stress on crops impacted by powdery mildew. It doesn’t kill the mildew, but it does help improve plant nutritional levels to support the immune system and enable the plant to take care of itself.
*If you grow in California, please see Axcel™, a product developed to meet California regulations.

How to Use It
Accelerate™ must be handled with care as it has a tendency to expand in the container when heat approaches 100 degrees F. Upon arrival, inspect your container; if it appears to show signs of built-up pressure, carefully and slowly unscrew the lid and allow gas and pressure to escape. Place a catchment pan under the container when doing this to contain any spillage.
Accelerate™ can be used as a standalone application, however it can be mixed with products in the Rebound line, SeaShield, Rejuvenate, or PhotoMag.
Application Methods and Rates
Use Accelerate™ as a foliar, drip, or fertigation application.
Timing for Accelerate™ applications depends upon crop type.
Single-Flowering Crops
- Make a single application at onset of flowering
- Foliar – Up to 4 gallons per acre in 2 applications within the two-week period before flowering or tuber set commences
- Drip or Fertigation – Up to 4 gallons per acre in 2 applications within the two-week period before flowering or tuber set commences
Continually-Fruiting Crops
- Apply as often as weekly
- Foliar – Initial application up to 2 gallons per acre, 1-2 weeks before flowering commences; up to 4 quarts per acre every 2 weeks until flowering is complete
- Drip or Fertigation – Same rates as above for continually-flowering crops
Key Ingredients:
Accelerate™ supports plant reproduction by delivering a series of primary, secondary, and micronutrients to increase the number of flowers and improve fruit set. Accelerate also increases tuber set for crops that reproduce independently of flowering.