Join us in Lubbock, TX for an educational workshop featuring John Kempf!
In dryland environments, crop nutrition must be managed differently to maximize water efficiency and produce the highest quality and yields. Prepare for a full day of insightful presentations from John Kempf and other agronomy professionals as they delve into cutting-edge research and regenerative practices.
Reserve your spot today!
Thursday, February 22, 2024
8:30 am – 3:00 pm CST
Location: FiberMax Center for Discovery
Tickets: $125
(Purchase by February 10th and bring a guest for free)
*Ticket includes BBQ lunch catered by Bigham’s Smokehouse*
About John Kempf:
John Kempf is an entrepreneur, speaker, podcast host, leading crop health consultant, and designer of innovative soil and plant management systems. He founded Advancing Eco Agriculture in 2006 and serves as Chief Vision Officer and Executive Board Chairman.
John is also the host of the Regenerative Agriculture Podcast, where he interviews leading farmers and scientists who share cutting-edge practices and science that accelerate the healing of soil, crops, livestock, and our relationship to the land.

Registration begins at 8 AM
8:30-9:00 AM: “Growing Better Cotton: Insights from 2023 and Strategies for 2024,” presented by James Johnson, AEA grower
Did you know that cotton has three different leaf types? Or that most of the Critical Points of Influence in a cotton crop occur before pollination? In this talk, James Johnson will present what he has learned from his research on cotton plant physiology over the past year and how he will be changing his nutrition management to grow better cotton in 2024. He’ll also share information about AEA’s Integrity Grown Cotton program and how to get involved.
9:00-10:30 AM: “Eliminating Yield Drag with Nutrition Management” presented by John Kempf
Did you know that phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers can create yield drag when applied in the wrong forms and at the wrong time? They can also produce large yield responses when properly applied. In this presentation, John will describe the critical reproductive stages of cotton and other crop plants and the influence that specific nutrients have on yield and quality when applied at each growth stage.
10:45-11:15 AM: “Managing Nutrition to Reduce Water Needs” presented by John Kempf
When our electrolytes are imbalanced, we must consume more water to remain hydrated. The same is true for plants. When crop nutrition is out of balance, plants need more water to grow. In this presentation, John will describe various nutrition management mechanisms that can be used to reduce a crop’s water requirements. He will also discuss how to reduce drought stress immediately in a struggling crop and reduce water requirements in future crops with a nutrition management plan.
11:15 AM-12:00 PM: “Growing for Optimal Quality” presented by Rachelle Moss, AEA Consultant
All the components that define crop quality are determined by nutrition management. Firmness, storability, wall thickness, weight, flavor, resistance to mold and mycotoxins are all manageable with nutrition management. In this presentation, Rachelle will describe what she’s learned about nutrition management for specialty crops, including onions, peanuts, and peppers.
12:00-1:00 PM: Lunch 🍽️
Enjoy a delicious Texas BBQ meal with presenters and fellow participants.
1:00-1:45 PM: “Understanding Nutrition to Increase Reproductive Buds” presented by John Kempf
The most influential Critical Points of Influence for determining crop yield and quality are determined well before pollination. In this presentation, John will discuss how to manage nutrition at specific plant growth stages to enhance reproductive buds and maximize crop yield and quality.
2:00-3:00 PM: Open Q&A
Please contact our event coordinators!
Amanda Acuff: [email protected]
Jenna Sodano: [email protected]