Grower Stories
“using AEA product has helped us increase yield, I mean, just from the bottom line perspective, and so it’s definitely made us more profitable because we’re not having to grow more acres of berries to get more berries.”
“Most blueberry growers are on a spray schedule for pest and disease issues, but we aren’t because we don’t need it.”
“I’m seeing plant responses like the canopy staying greener and maintaining that pest resistance even throughout the times we’re limiting the irrigation cycles. There’s been a big shift in the overall health of the plant since we’ve done soil health practices in conjunction with AEA.”
“We’re putting our best effort into creating the healthiest fruit for people and AEA is a big part of that.”
“Our total input of fertility was about 20 percent less than it has been in the past, we applied no insecticides and no growth regulators.”
I haven’t sprayed anything with the word ‘cide’ in it since 2018.
Boosting Yields, Profitability, and Sustainability Across Crop Diversity
Farmers who work with AEA are located across the globe and represent a wide range of crops, from apples and cherries to corn and wheat. They represent diverse backgrounds and experiences: some running conventional operations, hoping to use fewer inputs, and others operating certified regenerative and organic farms.
In working with AEA, these farmers often experience an increase in crop yield and quality, increased profitability, and a reduction or total elimination of the need for pesticides and fertilizers. They are seeking a hopeful future in farming and believe in the company’s vision of making farming more profitable and soils more vital for the future.