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“The Integrity Grown™ standard creates a deeper level of transparency for consumers into the cotton growing practices of the regenerative farmers who are supplying us.”
Amy Williams

Amy Williams

CEO, Citizens of Humanity Group

How It Works

Each farm goes through an in-season verification process every year, no matter where they are on their regenerative journey. The grower is awarded (or in some cases deducted) points based on the practice or the input being assessed.

Points from each category are totaled and the total points are then used to determine the growers Bronze, Silver or Gold Status in recognition of their efforts.

Integrity Grown™ Standard Goals

  • To reward growers for historical, current and future practices
  • To highlight and reward a growers tenure on a regenerative program
  • To promote integrity, accountability and transparency of practices adopted for the whole supply chain
  • To inform both growers and those within the supply chain clearly and simply of what a farm has accomplished and where they are on their regenerative journey
  • To measure clear regenerative tangibles that can be substantiated and supported by data that holds up under scrutiny.


About Integrity Grown™ Cotton

The inaugural phase of the AEA’s Integrity Grown™ Cotton marks a crucial milestone, inviting participation from cotton growers nationwide. This program will comprehensively assess the following key data points essential to regenerative agriculture:

  • Pesticide, Herbicide, and Fungicide Use
  • Plant Growth Regulator and Synthetic Fertilizer Application
  • Tillage Events and Cover Crop Adoption
  • Non-GMO Seed Utilization and Integration of Beneficial Biology
  • Nitrogen Efficiency, Compost Application, and Livestock Grazing
  • Soil Carbon, Soil Biology, and Pesticide Residue Testing.

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      Integrity Grown – Get in Touch

      "*" indicates required fields

      What crops do you grow?*
      How many acres do you manage?*
      This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
      • What is Integrity Grown™?

        Integrity Grown™ is an initiative by Advancing Eco Agriculture to create a standards program that drives transparency and regenerative practices in crop production. It aims to promote AEA’s approach to solving on-farm problems and creating success within a regenerative model. The regenerative verification standard, initially focused on cotton, has been developed for all crops and will soon be expanded.

      • What are the requirements for joining the program?

        Growers who meet one (1) or more of the following criteria are eligible to join the program:

        Work with an AEA Agronomist throughout the growing season; Complete all testing requirements before, during, and after the growing season; Reduce and/or eliminate the use of Fungicides, Herbicides, and Pesticides; Reduce and/or eliminate the use of Plant Growth Regulators; Reduce/Elimination of synthetic inputs (especially those which suppress biology); Provide documentation (and onsite access to) the inventory of all inputs that may be applied in the growing season; Transition to the use of Non-GMO seed; Transition to a minimal/no-till approach where the need for soil disturbance actions can be substantiated and documented for transparency; Incorporate cover crops into the farm management plan; Provide visual and written documentation during the growing season alongside AEA onsite farm inspections; Build plant immunity, crop quality and crop yield through targeted nutritional applications as determined by sap analysis results.

      • A grower is also certified by another regenerative certification program, does that count towards this program?

        Certification from another regenerative program does not contribute to eligibility for this initiative.

      • Where is this standards program being offered?

        Currently, the program is available in the U.S. and Turkey.

      • What crop types are eligible for this program?

        The regenerative verification standard, initially focused on cotton, has been developed for all crops and will soon be expanded. Keep an eye out for updates on the initiative!