Bundle and save this spring! 10% OFF when you buy BioCoat Gold + Soil Primer (Rejuvenate, SeaShield, & Spectrum).

Spring Soil Bundle


 Broad-spectrum ocean mineral concentrate


Product Description

The highly available and broad-spectrum mineral content in SeaCrop enables plants to form complex compounds. SeaCrop is naturally derived from rich Northern Pacific seawater, and concentrated using a process that renders it low-sodium, and protects its myriad enzymes and organic substances.

  • Features and Benefits

    • Improves tolerance to environmental stress such as drought and freezing
    • Encourages formation of complex plant compounds
    • Promotes beneficial microbial populations
    • Enhances overall plant strength and vitality
    • University research suggests that SeaCrop may improve immunity to nematodes and increase salinity tolerance in crops
  • Application Rates

    • Soil Drench or Transplant Solution: up to 2 gallons per acre in a 2% solution.
    • Broadacre crops: up to 1 gallon per acre (must be a split application), per season.
    • Vegetables: up to 1 quart per acre per week.
    • Fertigation: up to 1 gallon per acre every 10-14 days.
  • Application Instructions

    SeaCrop™ is most commonly used in foliars, but can also be applied as a soil drench or with fertigation.

  • Ingredients

    Derived from concentrated sea water.

  • National Organic Program Information

    This product is suitable for use under NOP. Please check with your certifier before using.