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Every grower knows the importance of establishing healthy roots as early as possible. Early root development plays a huge role in the hormonal balance, health, and productivity of a plant. SeedFlare™ is the most efficient way to deliver necessary nutrients to the seedling right at its moment of emergence to ensure a healthy, well-developed root system. Since it’s applied directly onto seeds, SeedFlare provides nutrients that stay available for the plant and don’t get tied up by the soil. SeedFlare is a perfect complement to BioCoat Gold™–BioCoat Gold provides the biology and SeedFlare provides the nutrients. 

We developed the nutritional formula that became SeedFlare years ago for a budget-conscious cotton grower who wanted to use the least product possible while achieving similar results to a planter’s solution. It worked great, so we refined the formula and recommended it to other growers. Over the years it has become so popular and successful that we decided to package that formula into a single product: SeedFlare. So while it’s a new product this year, we have years of positive results from growers using it effectively on their farms. 

Few farmers we speak with are impressed by the quality of the seeds they buy. Seeds are no different than any other products produced by our contemporary agriculture system–they have precariously low nutrient density, and are especially lacking in Zinc, Manganese, and other micronutrients required for healthy germination and emergence. SeedFlare compensates for low seed quality by supplying the nutrients that are generally deficient in commercial seed to be immediately available to the plant when it breaks dormancy. 

Cost Effectiveness

SeedFlare is so cost effective because it’s applied at low rates–from 2 quarts per ton of seed (3oz/100lbs). It’s applied directly to the seed, and there’s no need for additional equipment after application–seeding then proceeds as normal. It can even be applied well in advance of seeding without detriment to seed storability. 

While SeedFlare will help out anyone planting seeds, it can be an especially useful treatment for growers with low profit margins, or those with uncertain crop prospects due to drought or other stressors. Because the cost per acre is so low, it carries lower financial risk than most treatments should the crop fail, while also giving the crop its healthiest possible start and the chance to survive adversity. 


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