Bundle and save this spring! 10% OFF when you buy BioCoat Gold + Soil Primer (Rejuvenate, SeaShield, & Spectrum).

Spring Soil Bundle

In this in-depth workshop, John Kempf will describe how to develop regenerative agriculture ecosystems in which soil health is quickly regenerated, crop yields and quality constantly improve, pest pressure becomes less of a challenge, crops are much more resilient to climate extremes and require much less water to thrive. When a truly regenerative ecosystem is functioning well, the need for external inputs becomes less and less. 

  • Benina Burroughs Montes will lead a field walk in the morning. 
  • John Kempf will present after the field walk
  • Senior Agronomist Pedro Rioseco Escudero of Advancing Eco Agriculture will be presenting after lunch, contributing his substantial experience implementing regenerative practices in California.  
  • John Kempf will spend the remainder of the afternoon answering audience questions

While the principles and science behind this workshop are transferable to all crops, we will primarily focus on nut production. Some topics that John will be discussing include:

  • Using nutrition and biology to manage powdery mildew
  • Practical methods to manage high chloride content in water
  • Managing Navel Orange Worm in almonds and pistachios
  • Strategies for working with soils with low organic matter
  • How to increase biologicals
  • Controlling Red Blotch in grapes by using precision nutrition and microbiome management
  • Novel methods for managing Esca trunk disease in grapes 
  • How to reduce crop water requirements by 20-40% with plant nutrition and soil structure management. 
  • How to access the very large untapped genetic potential of many varieties to produce higher yields. This discussion will focus on understanding plant nutritional requirements at specific growth stages to increase marketable yields.
  • How to increase photosynthesis from common baselines to much higher levels, by managing carbon dioxide release, water hydrolysis, chlorophyll levels, and influencing leaf size and thickness. 
  • How to manage nutrition to produce higher quality proteins to provide crop resistance to the various insects which require soluble nitrogen sources within the plant as a food source.
  • How to manage nutrition to stimulate plant production of immune compounds to provide resistance to all diseases, insects, nematodes, mites, and more when nutritional profiles are balanced correctly.
  • How insects communicate with plants in the infrared spectrum, and how nutritional profiles affect plants’ infrared signature.
  • How to develop disease suppressive soil microbial profiles that provide abundant mineral release for crop nutrition by managing crop and cover crop type and rotation.
  • How to manage fertilizer applications to increase soil and plant health, which fertilizers to avoid, and when to apply products for the greatest economic response. 
  • How to monitor and manage nutrient release curves for soil and fertilizer supplied nutrients during the growing season, and over multiple growing seasons. 
  • Why insects and diseases are attracted to crops with specific nutritional profiles, and how to prevent them.

This is an in-depth workshop, and will build on many of John’s webinars and resources available online. 

To register, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2025-regenerative-tree-nut-field-day-tickets-1006307190897?aff=oddtdtcreator

On site AEA Representatives: Pedro Rioseco and Kayla Cornelius