Soil Primer & BioCoat Gold: Unlock your soil’s potential!
Get your crops off to the best possible start this spring with the AEA Regenerative Soil Primer and BioCoat Gold! This combination empowers soil biology to provide nutrients that plants need for crop quality and disease resistance.

Digest crop residue
Boost microbial populations
Increase cover crop success
Speeds seed germination
Builds robust root systems
Keep your soil teeming with biological activity with Soil Primer’s 3 Key Ingredients

Spectrum is a soil inoculant that enhances and restores beneficial soil microbe populations. rnrnSpectrum contains multiple microbe species and is an especially good source of facultative anaerobes, which provide the greatest nutrient release of any microbe type.

Rejuvenate helps build an environment in which microorganisms can flourish. It’s made up of the commonly missing resources needed by bacteriau002du002dthe u0022toolsu0022 for them to do their work. It promotes the increased release of soil mineral reserves. It includes complex carbohydrates, humic substances, and Magnesium.

SeaShield is the fungal support in the soil primer. It provides phosphorus, calcium, trace elements, and amino acid nitrogen, all of which are needed for healthy soil fungi. Fungi contribute greatly to the fertility cycling of a crop, but can often be lacking in farmed soils.