Spectrum + Myco™ is a convenient combination of Spectrum™ and MycoGenesis™ in a single package. It’s used as a biological soil inoculant for establishing populations of beneficial soil microbes. It is a critical component of AEA’s Soil Primer application.

Spectrum + Myco™ is approved for use on certified organic crops and is listed by OMRI.

1 acre = 155 grams

BioDigester is a blend of soil microorganisms that excel at digesting cellulose. The organisms in BioDigester help break down dead plant material, crop residues, compost, prunings, and other plant debris. 

1 acre = 50 grams.

BioGenesis NP is a soil inoculant composed of a broad spectrum of beneficial microorganisms along with humic acids and humectants. It is used to help reestablish thriving soil biology. The beneficial microbes in BioGenesis NP release nutrients stored in the soil, making the nutrients more readily bio-available to plants in forms they can absorb.

BioGenesis™ NP is approved for use on certified organic crops and is listed by OMRI.

1 acre = 454 grams

Micro5000 Organic is a foliar fertilizer and inoculant package. Microbes on leaf surfaces can solubilize nutrients from foliar sprays along with nitrogen from the air to help enable these nutrients to be absorbed through the leaf, reducing the amount of supplemental nutrients needed.

Conventional growers can use Micro5000™

1 acre = 75 grams.

MycoGenesis is a dry blend of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, designed to inoculate soils with microbial life. It helps ensure plants get off to a good start and benefit from the symbiotic relationships and nutrient exchange that take place in healthy, living soil.

1 acre = 454 grams = 1 pound.

OP-8 is a blend of beneficial soil microbes that specialize in digesting petroleum hydrocarbons. Most pesticides used in conventional agriculture are petroleum hydrocarbon derivatives. When the chemical load of a soil is very high, serious biological remediation is the best solution to undo the negative effects of contamination.                                                         

This product is not available in California.

PZ 1000 is a foliar fertilizer and microbial inoculant in a single package, with an emphasis on potassium. It can help plants absorb nutrients through their surface cells and stomata, especially after flowering is complete. Inoculating the leaf surfaces can also create a competitive environment less suitable for airborne disease.

1 acre = 75 grams.

Pepzyme Clear is a package of enzyme extracts that can help get soil microbes established. It is commonly applied with microbial inoculants. Pepzyme Clear is especially helpful when in difficult or very degraded soils where prior inoculation attempts have failed.

This product is not available in California.

1 acre = 12.5 ounces.

Spectrum DS™ is a biological inoculant for establishing populations of beneficial soil microbes in drought-stressed soils. It is a critical component of AEA’s Soil Primer application.

Spectrum DS™ is approved for use on certified organic crops and is listed by OMRI.

1 acre = 50 grams

Spectrum PSB™ is a phosphorus-solubilizing biological product for establishing populations of beneficial soil microbes. It is a critical component of AEA’s Soil Primer application.

Spectrum PSB™ is approved for use on certified organic crops and is listed by OMRI.

1 acre = 75 grams

Spectrum is a soil inoculant to enhance and restore beneficial soil microbe populations. It is a critical component of AEA’s Soil Primer application.

Spectrum™ is approved for use on certified organic crops and is listed by OMRI.

1 acre = 50 grams

BioCoat Gold provides the nutrients and soil microbes needed during germination so seeds can get off to the best start possible. BioCoat Gold allows newly emerged roots to be immediately inoculated with vital microbial life, setting the root system up for sustained nutrient access and availability throughout the growing season.

BioCoat Gold’s low cost and high ROI make it an essential product for any grower.

Micro5000 is a foliar fertilizer and inoculant package. Microbes on leaf surfaces can solubilize nutrients from foliar sprays along with nitrogen from the air to help enable these nutrients to be absorbed through the leaf, reducing the amount of supplemental nutrients needed.

Note: Micro5000 is not for use in organic production. Organic growers should use Micro5000 Organic™

1 acre = 75 grams