Bundle and save this spring! 10% OFF when you buy BioCoat Gold + Soil Primer (Rejuvenate, SeaShield, & Spectrum).

Spring Soil Bundle


Fast-acting potassium to improve fruit quality and storability


Product Description

Holo-K provides a strong, immediate source of potassium that remains available in soils. A generous supply of potassium after the cell division stage is needed to develop large, firm fruit without defects. Low potassium levels at that time will result in smaller fruit or grain kernels, lightweight fruit, and many other fruit quality and storage problems.  This product is suitable for use under NOP. Please check with your certifier before using. 

  • Features and Benefits

    • Improves fruit size, test weight, and flavor
    • Helps prevent early blight, green core, and yellow shoulder in tomatoes
    • Improves sugar transport to roots, new growth, and fruit
    • Builds strong cell walls 
    • Increases plant pest and pathogen resistance
  • Application Rates

    • Soil Applications: up to 2 gallons per acre.
    • Foliar and fertigation: up to 1 gallon per acre at appropriate plant growth stages.

    Check the label on the product or consult your local AEA representative.

    While this product can be used individually, it has been designed to be used along with other complementary products as part of an overall fertility program that will produce the highest quality results.

  • Application Instructions

    Holo-K™ liquid concentrate can be used as a row starter, transplant solution, in irrigation systems or as a foliar spray.

  • Ingredients

    Holo-K™ is derived from a high quality potassium sulfate obtained from a natural, mined raw potassium ore with a long history of use in conventional and organic agriculture.

    Holo-K™ contains a complex blend of potassium chelated with stable humic substances and organic acids to enhance availability to the plant and reduce soil “tie-up”.

    Our process to make Holo-K™ is unique in that it creates a suspension that delivers an immediate, strong supplemental potassium source that remains available in your soil.

  • National Organic Program Information

    This product is suitable for use under NOP. Please check with your certifier before using.