HumaCarb 2.0™ (New and Improved)
Humic substances to stabilize nutrients & improve fertilizer efficiency
Product Description
Now, it’s better than ever. We’ve improved the formula to help the humic solids stay in suspension and prevent solidifying. It’s a game-changer that makes HumaCarb much easier to use. HumaCarb is a source of stable humic substances that improves soil microbiology and aids in the uptake of nutrients in the root zone to reduce potential fertilizer loss. Soluble nutrient fertilizers are unstable and can be leached out of the root zone or become complexed by soil minerals very quickly. This is especially the case for anions such as nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur, as well as for trace minerals. By preventing leaching, HumaCarb allows you to use fertilizer more efficiently.
Features and Benefits
- Holds nitrogen and phosphorus in the root zone
- Provides carbon to the soil
- Benefits soil biology
- Aids in the uptake of micronutrients
- Complexes plant nutrients
- Optimizes soil conditions for better overall plant mass
- Improves manure pit fermentation
- Contains all three major components of humus: humic acids, fulvic acids, and humin
Application Rates
Side Dress or Fertigation
- Mix with liquid nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizer at 3% of the solution.
Small Grains
- Up to 2 quarts per acre at late tilling or as needed.
Fruits and Vegetables
- Up to 1 quart per acre per week, starting at transplant or greening.
Check the label on the product or consult your local AEA representative. While this product can be used individually, it is intended to be used along with other complementary products as part of an overall fertility program designed to produce the highest quality results.
Application Instructions
Liquid concentrate should be tank mixed with liquid fertilizers as 3% of the total solution.
Non-synthetic humic substances have a low pH (4 – 4.5) and can be tank mixed with most fertilizers.* Works especially well on lighter, sandier soils or in areas of greater than average rain fall.
HumaCarb™ performs well on a variety of crops, especially on forages and soybeans, as well as fruits and vegetables.
May be mixed with liquid manure to stabilize nitrogen and reduce odor while manure. A jar test should be conducted when mixing HumaCarb™ with any other product.
HumaCarb™ is derived from a Humalite ore deposit which contains the humic acid, fulvic acid, and humin compounds that provide the benefits to soil and plants.
Humic acids are usually extracted from leonardite ore in a strong alkali solution generally using sodium or potassium hydroxides. Compared to leonardite, Humalite contains more humic and fulvic acids, meaning less ash and heavy metals applied to your fields.
Unlike other humic acids available on the market, HumaCarbTM is produced using a process that preserves all the natural properties of the humic substances so you get 100% benefit from the 100% all natural, mined Humalite.
National Organic Program Information
This product is suitable for use under NOP. Please check with your certifier before using.