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Media Room

AEA is a pioneer in regenerative agriculture. Our mission is to provide growers with innovative, science-backed testing, tools, products, and expertise that support their transition to regenerative agriculture.

Media Kit


For more information about AEA, or to arrange an interview: contact Kindship Group (media at kindshipgroup dot com)

If you are interested in having John Kempf or an AEA representative speak at your event: contact Jenna Sodano (jsodano at advancingecoag dot com)

Position Statements:

Immediate Profitability

Conventional wisdom holds that transitioning to regenerative agriculture causes a decline in yields and profitability for a farm, and that it takes 3-5 years before yields and profitability surpass their pre-transition levels.

At AEA, we have seen the opposite to be true: that profitability stays constant or even increases starting in the first year of a transition.

Disease and Insect Resistance

Healthy plants can resist all pests and diseases. Insects are nature’s garbage collectors. They only feed on diseased and unhealthy plants. Plants can become healthy through properly balanced mineral nutrition.

Cascading Benefits

Modern agriculture is based on degraded relationships. A degraded relationship is extractive, selfish, transactional. The success of one side depends on the failure of the other. The result is a downward spiral of degradation.

By contrast, regenerative relationships are symbiotic, synergistic, collaborative, and win/win. Regenerative agriculture can thus create a cascade of benefits throughout the farm and beyond, into the world at large.

John Kempf’s Social Media