Bundle and save this spring! 10% OFF when you buy BioCoat Gold + Soil Primer (Rejuvenate, SeaShield, & Spectrum).

Spring Soil Bundle

Nitrogen Efficiency

Nitrogen Efficiency Booklet

This booklet presents in-depth information about how to reduce and/or get the most out of nitrogen inputs. Additionally, AEA provides consulting services to guide the creation of custom crop nutrition programs and solutions for your operation.


Nitrogen Efficiency Info Sheet

AEA’s Nitrogen Efficiency Program helps to maximize your nitrogen availability throughout the entire season.


Nutrient Deficiency Chart

Nutrient Deficiency Chart


Plant Health Pyramid

Pirámide de Salud de las Plantas

La Pirámide de Salud de las Plantas es un modelo conceptual que representa las etapas progresivas de la salud de las plantas. Estas etapas se alcanzan mediante el uso de diversas prácticas de la agricultura regenerativa. La progresión hacia una mejor salud restaura las capacidades naturales y biológicas de los sistemas de las plantas y del suelo.


Plant Health Pyramid

The Plant Health Pyramid is a conceptual model that represents the progressive stages of plant health achieved through regenerative agriculture practices. The progression to better health restores the natural and biological abilities of the plant and soil system.


Product Info Sheets

Accelerate™ Info Sheet

AccelerateTM supports plant reproduction by delivering a series of primary, secondary, and micronutrients to increase the number of flowers and improve fruit set.


Axcel™ Info Sheet

Axcel™ supports plant reproduction by delivering a series of primary, secondary, and micronutrients to increase the number of flowers and improve fruit set. Axcel™ also increases tuber set for crops that reproduce independently of flowering. Axcel™ can be particularly effective at reducing stress on crops impacted by powdery mildew. While it may not eliminate mildew, it does help improve plant nutritional levels to support the immune system and enable the plant to take care of itself.


BioCoat Gold™ for Corn and Soy

BioCoat Gold™ is a blend of natural seaweed, concentrated humic substances, and other nutrients designed to support germination and strong initial growth.


BioCoat Gold™ for Vegetables

BioCoat Gold™ is a blend of natural seaweed, concentrated humic substances, and other nutrients designed to support germination and strong initial growth.


BioCoat Gold™ for Wheat

BioCoat Gold™ is a blend of natural seaweed, concentrated humic substances, and other nutrients designed to support germination and strong initial growth.


BioCoat Gold™ Product Info Sheet

BioCoat Gold™ is a blend of natural seaweed, concentrated humic substances, and other nutrients designed to support germination and strong initial growth.


BioCoat™ Gold for Cotton

BioCoat Gold™ is a blend of natural seaweed, concentrated humic substances, and other nutrients designed to support germination and strong initial growth.


Photomag™ Product Info Sheet

PhotoMag™ is a synergistic blend of minerals designed to provide the key nutrients used in photosynthesis.


Soil Primer Info Sheet

Establishing a high-functioning soil system through the introduction of biology to metabolize nutrients for your growing crops is vital to a successful season. The Regenerative Soil Primer application improves soil condition and nutrient efficiency of all soil types by increasing helpful microbial populations and vitality.


Product Usage Guides

Fertigation | Product Usage Guide (PUG)

How to mix, use, & store AEA products when applying via Fertigation.


Planters | Product Usage Guide (PUG)

How to mix, use, & store AEA products when using a Planter.


Small Equipment | Product Usage Guide (PUG)

How to mix, use, & store AEA products when applying via Small Equipment, like backpack sprayers or drip lines.


Spanish Product Usage Guide (PUG)

Cómo mezclar, usar y almacenar productos AEA


Sprayers | Product Usage Guide (PUG)

How to mix, use, & store AEA products when using a Sprayer.


Sap Testing

Guide to Plant Sap Analysis

Advancing Eco Agriculture leads in plant sap analysis data interpretation


Sap Steps to Process

Sap Steps to Process


Soil Primer Resources

Soil Primer Booklet

Soil Primer Booklet


Soil Primer Info Sheet

Establishing a high-functioning soil system through the introduction of biology to metabolize nutrients for your growing crops is vital to a successful season. The Regenerative Soil Primer application improves soil condition and nutrient efficiency of all soil types by increasing helpful microbial populations and vitality.


Spanish Resources

Pirámide de Salud de las Plantas

La Pirámide de Salud de las Plantas es un modelo conceptual que representa las etapas progresivas de la salud de las plantas. Estas etapas se alcanzan mediante el uso de diversas prácticas de la agricultura regenerativa. La progresión hacia una mejor salud restaura las capacidades naturales y biológicas de los sistemas de las plantas y del suelo.


Spanish Product Usage Guide (PUG)

Cómo mezclar, usar y almacenar productos AEA


Veg & Fruit Guide

Veg and Fruit Growers’ Guide to Regenerative Production

This guide presents information about how to use our products for vegetable and fruit growers.
