Bundle and save this spring! 10% OFF when you buy BioCoat Gold + Soil Primer (Rejuvenate, SeaShield, & Spectrum).

Spring Soil Bundle

Now, it’s better than ever. We’ve improved the formula to help the humic solids stay in suspension and prevent solidifying. It’s a game-changer that makes HumaCarb much easier to use.

HumaCarb is a source of stable humic substances that improves soil microbiology and aids in the uptake of nutrients in the root zone to reduce potential fertilizer loss.

Soluble nutrient fertilizers are unstable and can be leached out of the root zone or become complexed by soil minerals very quickly. This is especially the case for anions such as nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur, as well as for trace minerals. By preventing leaching, HumaCarb allows you to use fertilizer more efficiently. 

ReBound™ Molybdenum is an organic molybdenum solution uniquely processed for maximum plant uptake. It is a key part of our Nitrogen Efficiency Program.

Rejuvenate provides everything that soil microbes need to thrive. It is designed to provide the commonly missing resources needed by soil bacteria, which are the foundation of the farm ecosystem. Rejuvenate ensures a successful inoculation event, and gets microbes established in all manner of conditions. It can help build up microbial populations in the soil to a point where they can rapidly digest crop residues, thus releasing tied-up nutrients for the following crop.