Bundle and save this spring! 10% OFF when you buy BioCoat Gold + Soil Primer (Rejuvenate, SeaShield, & Spectrum).

Spring Soil Bundle

Spectrum + Myco™ is a convenient combination of Spectrum™ and MycoGenesis™ in a single package. It’s used as a biological soil inoculant for establishing populations of beneficial soil microbes. It is a critical component of AEA’s Soil Primer application.

Spectrum + Myco™ is approved for use on certified organic crops and is listed by OMRI.

1 acre = 155 grams

Rejuvenate provides everything that soil microbes need to thrive. It is designed to provide the commonly missing resources needed by soil bacteria, which are the foundation of the farm ecosystem. Rejuvenate ensures a successful inoculation event, and gets microbes established in all manner of conditions. It can help build up microbial populations in the soil to a point where they can rapidly digest crop residues, thus releasing tied-up nutrients for the following crop.

SeaShield is an essential part of a balanced nutritional program for plants and soil. It enhances plant vigor and resistance to pests and pathogens. SeaShield works especially well when combined with other nutritional supplements, and is one of the 3 products in our cornerstone Soil Primer programNon-organic growers may consider SeaGuard™ as an alternative to SeaShield.

Spectrum is a soil inoculant to enhance and restore beneficial soil microbe populations. It is a critical component of AEA’s Soil Primer application.

Spectrum™ is approved for use on certified organic crops and is listed by OMRI.

1 acre = 50 grams