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Product Description

SeaGuard is a concentrated fish hydrolysate with micronized crab and shrimp shell, designed to provide plant nutrition along with support for soil fungal populations.

  • Features and Benefits

    Provides the building blocks soil fungi need to develop strong cell walls. The soil fungi are then better able to make nutrients available to the plant roots.

    Contains chitin, which is a known plant immune elicitor, enhancing plant immune function.

    Supplying chitin to soil provides a food source to chitin-digesting bacteria which then feed on.

    Plants frequently develop a glossy, waxy sheen on the leaf surface, and exceptionally large leaf size, both an expression of a plant with abundant energy.

  • Application Rates

    Fertigation: Use up to 5 gallons per acre every 2 weeks, up to a maximum of 100 gallons per acre per year.

    At Planting: Use up to 2 gallons per acre.

    Foliar: Use up to 2 gallons per acre every 2 weeks.

    Always check the label on the product or consult your local AEA representative for more details.

  • Application Instructions

    SeaGuardTM is recommended for soil and foliar applications and can be substituted for SeaShieldTM in the Regenerative Soil Primer formula. It is often combined with other products throughout the growing season, especially during times of crop stress. Do not harvest within 14 days of application to avoid seafood allergy concerns.

  • Ingredients

    SeaGuardTM is a concentrated fish hydrolysate with micronized fish bone and ground crustacean shell, designed to provide plant nutrition and support for soil fungal populations.

  • National Organic Program Information

    This product is NOT suitable for use under NOP.