Bundle and save this spring! 10% OFF when you buy BioCoat Gold + Soil Primer (Rejuvenate, SeaShield, & Spectrum).

Spring Soil Bundle

2024 was a big year for AEA. The conversation about regenerative agriculture has gotten louder and is now solidly in the mainstream as more people get excited about the possibility of healing soil, producing healthier food, capturing carbon, and making farming work better for farmers. 

For our part, we saw that enthusiasm translate into international expansion, new partnerships, and more effective products. And all of it backed up by incredible successes in the field, proving the hype is well-founded. 

Here are 6 exciting things that happened in 2024: 

1. Grower Successes 

We’re always delighted when growers share their achievements with us. We get to see delightful proof every day that regenerative agriculture works really well. Here are 3 successes that really stood out this year: 

> 40% increase in blueberry yield 

  • One of the frequent (and unfounded) criticisms of regenerative agriculture is that it will decrease yields, requiring more land to be used for agriculture, and destroying wild ecosystems. 
  • We don’t see that at all with growers using AEA products–they’re increasing their yields, sometimes quite substantially, like a blueberry farm in Minnesota, who saw a 40% yield increase this year. 

> Cereal beetles eliminated after a single foliar spray

  • Senior Agronomist Jason Stoll checked in on a field of oats in Ontario that had been heavily infested with cereal beetles a few weeks prior. In the intervening time, the grower had applied a foliar nutritional spray. 
  • Jason found no beetles at all, while a nearby barley field was totally ravaged. 
  • We keep seeing proof that healthy plants really can resist pests and diseases. 

> 40% Reduction in water use in almonds

  • A California almond grower was able to reduce their water use by 40% with regenerative practices. 
  •  It starts with AEA’s Soil Primer to boost soil biology, release nutrients from the soil, build organic matter, and improve the soil’s water-holding capacity.
  • Targeted nutritional foliars were applied during the season​ based on sap analysis. 

2. Global expansion

  • Our vision is to have Regenerative Agriculture become the mainstream globally, and so we’re expanding internationally to bring that vision to life. 
  • We’re now in 49 states and 8 countries, including 5 of the top 10 agricultural producers in the world. We’re aiming big. 

What’s to come  

  • We are actively working to expand our international reach. Our products are winding their way through regulatory approval in a number of countries around the world. 

📣 Stay tuned! If you live outside the United States, thanks for all your support, and know that we’re trying to bring AEA to you as soon as we can. 

3. WeFunder: Sharing in our Success 

We’ve always thought that our relationship with farmers shouldn’t just be a one-way street where they buy our products. We wanted to make it possible for farmers and others to participate in the financial success of AEA as well. 

  • To that end, we launched a WeFunder crowd-investing campaign. When it closed this spring, we’d raised over $2.5 million from 586 individual investors, who now all have a stake in the future of AEA. 


4. Partnerships

We didn’t just make partnerships with investors this year, but with like-minded companies and organizations as well. 

> Topraq

In line with our international expansion, we partnered with Turkish agtech firm Topraq to help us expand the reach of regenerative agriculture in Turkey, Southeastern Europe, and the Middle East. 

> Integrity Grown

We continued to heighten the standards for regeneratively-grown cotton with our Integrity Grown verification program. 

  • This year, Integrity Grown-verified cotton was grown on over 2500 acres in both the United States and Turkey. Next year will bring many more acres into the Integrity Grown program. 


Just last week, we were awarded a $3.8 million grant by the USDA to expand our Colorado production facility and its workforce. 

  • This will help us scale up production so that we can keep meeting demand for our products. 


What’s to Come 

We’re in talks with some exciting new partners who are leading innovators in agriculture. We can’t announce anything just yet, but we’ll be sharing news of those partnerships as soon as they’re finalized in 2025. 


5. Podcast 

In the Regenerative Agriculture Podcast’s 6th season, we topped the Apple podcast charts in the “Earth Sciences” category!

  • We released 55 episodes this year, each featuring an insightful conversation with someone leading the way in regenerative agriculture.
  • We’re humbled by the wealth of knowledge our guests have, and privileged to compile and share it for our listeners. 

🎧 You can catch some of the greatest hits in last week’s “Highlights” show.


6. New Products 

In our quest to set the standard for plant nutritional products that can really move the needle for growers, we are constantly improving our formulas and innovating new products. This year we launched 5 new products:


  • The mineral nutrition complement to our ever-popular BioCoat Gold
  • SeedFlare is a highly affordable way to give plants a nutritional boost from the moment of germination.


  • A convenient blend of five essential macronutrients: calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and silica. 
  • MacroPak shines in many respects; one important function is providing an easy-to-use 1-2 punch of nutrition when paired with MicroPak. 

SeaGuard and CalGuard

  • More affordable products for non-NOP growers
  • SeaGuard is a non-NOP-compliant version of our cornerstone SeaShield 
  • CalGuard is a highly mobile liquid calcium product engineered for rapid translocation into fruits.


  • We improved the formula for our ultra-micronized liquid calcium product so that it’s more stable and usable. 


Looking Forward

Thank you for joining us in bringing regenerative agriculture to the world! We wouldn’t be where we are without the dedication and support of every one of you. 

2025 is going to be a big year for us! We’ll be rolling out exciting new partnerships, novel technologies, big events, and more international expansion. Stay tuned for details in the coming months . . .