Bundle and save this spring! 10% OFF when you buy BioCoat Gold + Soil Primer (Rejuvenate, SeaShield, & Spectrum).

Spring Soil Bundle

Spectrum + Myco™ is a convenient combination of Spectrum™ and MycoGenesis™ in a single package. It’s used as a biological soil inoculant for establishing populations of beneficial soil microbes. It is a critical component of AEA’s Soil Primer application.

Spectrum + Myco™ is approved for use on certified organic crops and is listed by OMRI.

1 acre = 155 grams

Accelerate™ delivers a wide range of nutrients needed by plants during blossoming. It can increase the number of flowers and improve fruit set or clonal tuber set. It can help encourage and support plants to move from the vegetative growth phase to the reproductive phase.

MicroPak contains a blend of trace minerals that are critical to growing healthy plants. Trace minerals encourage the development of larger and stronger root systems, increase nitrogen fixation and nitrogen use efficiency, enhance sugar transportation, and greatly improve vigor and quality in the buds, blossoms and fruit.

MicroPak has a different formulation for California growers.

OP-8 is a blend of beneficial soil microbes that specialize in digesting petroleum hydrocarbons. Most pesticides used in conventional agriculture are petroleum hydrocarbon derivatives. When the chemical load of a soil is very high, serious biological remediation is the best solution to undo the negative effects of contamination.                                                         

This product is not available in California.

PhotoMag provides the key nutrients used in photosynthesis and protein synthesis: magnesium (which is the center of the chlorophyll molecule), cobalt, sulfur, boron, and molybdenum. PhotoMag contains all of the nutrients necessary for plants to metabolize nitrogen and synthesize complex proteins.

ReBound™ Boron is an organic boron solution uniquely processed for maximum plant uptake.

ReBound™ Cobalt is an organic cobalt solution uniquely processed for maximum plant uptake.

ReBound™ Copper is an organic copper solution uniquely processed for maximum plant uptake.

ReBound™ Iron is an organic iron solution uniquely processed for maximum plant uptake.

ReBound™ Manganese is an organic manganese solution uniquely processed for maximum plant uptake.

ReBound™ Molybdenum is an organic molybdenum solution uniquely processed for maximum plant uptake. It is a key part of our Nitrogen Efficiency Program.

ReBound™ Zinc is an organic zinc solution uniquely processed for maximum plant uptake.

Rejuvenate provides everything that soil microbes need to thrive. It is designed to provide the commonly missing resources needed by soil bacteria, which are the foundation of the farm ecosystem. Rejuvenate ensures a successful inoculation event, and gets microbes established in all manner of conditions. It can help build up microbial populations in the soil to a point where they can rapidly digest crop residues, thus releasing tied-up nutrients for the following crop.

SeaShield is an essential part of a balanced nutritional program for plants and soil. It enhances plant vigor and resistance to pests and pathogens. SeaShield works especially well when combined with other nutritional supplements, and is one of the 3 products in our cornerstone Soil Primer programNon-organic growers may consider SeaGuard™ as an alternative to SeaShield.

Spectrum DS™ is a biological inoculant for establishing populations of beneficial soil microbes in drought-stressed soils. It is a critical component of AEA’s Soil Primer application.

Spectrum DS™ is approved for use on certified organic crops and is listed by OMRI.

1 acre = 50 grams

Spectrum PSB™ is a phosphorus-solubilizing biological product for establishing populations of beneficial soil microbes. It is a critical component of AEA’s Soil Primer application.

Spectrum PSB™ is approved for use on certified organic crops and is listed by OMRI.

1 acre = 75 grams