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Product Description

PhotoMag™ is a synergistic blend of minerals and humic substances designed to enhance photosynthesis and protein synthesis.

  • Application Rates

    Forages: Apply up to 6 quarts per acre, 10-14 days after each cutting.

    Fruits and Vegetables: As a foliar and/or in irrigation, apply up to 1 gallon per acre, every 7-14 days.

    Broad Acre Crops: As a row starter or side dress, apply up to 2 gallons per acre, based on soil analysis. As a foliar, apply up to 1 gallon per acre.

  • Application Instructions

    Can be used in the row or as a foliar spray and can be mixed with many other fertilizer products, fungicides, and insecticides.

  • Ingredients

    Guaranteed analysis:

    Magnesium (Mg)… 1%

    – 1% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)

    Sulfur (S)… 1%

    – 1% Combined Sulfur (S)

    Boron (B) … 0.6%

    Cobalt (Co) … 0.02%

    Molybdenum (Mo) … 0.02%

    Derived from: Magnesium sulfate, cobalt sulfate, disodium octaborate, concentrated sea water, sodium molybdate

  • National Organic Program Information

    This product is suitable for use under NOP. Please check with your certifier before using.