Keep your soil teeming with biological activity! Get 10% Off the Regenerative Primer with code SP24.

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     10% off Soil Primer through October 31st!     

     Use code SP24.      

Keep your soil teeming with biological activity!

Quality crops need an abundance of nutrients, chiefly calcium and nitrogen, from the soil. Our Regenerative Soil Primer unleashes the biology that can provide the nutrients for crop quality and disease resistance. Soil primer can help:

before after
before after

Digest crop residue

Boost microbial populations

Increase cover crop success

Decrease chances of overwintering disease

Open up the soil for increased water penetration

3 Key Ingredients:

Make the most of the winter months.

Applying soil primer in the fall gives your soil microbes months to work at recharging your soil.

Humification is the process that restocks the soil’s carbon reserves. It happens in cold weather. The humification process results in stable humic substances that cannot be further degraded. The formation of long-chain carbon structures during humification is what transforms dirt into fertile soil. It’s the resting, rejuvenating phase of soil microbial activity.

Learn more about humification on our blog
“When you get to the end of the season and you see what other inputs you saved, you see the return on investment.”
James Johnson

James Johnson

Carzalia Valley Produce, LLC

Want to Learn More?

Download the Regenerative Soil Primer Booklet

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